Year 1 - Year 6
Children Groups
Every Friday in term time we gather for some Games, Sports, Craft Activities, and Bible teaching.
Food, bible stories, arts & crafts, songs, games & sports
We believe in investing in the next generation; equipping them with the skills and tools to know God, know themselves and know others.
Sunday Kids
School years 1-6
In addition to the 10am Church service, we offer a one-hour session for children to come and play games, do different craft activities and have a space to learn about their faith and get to understand the bible better. This runs for three weeks each month, excluding the first Sunday of each month where there will be an all-age service instead.
Ignite runs every third Sunday of the month @ 3-5pm.
It is our group for families of children from 0-11 to come along for crafts, games, bible stories and free hot meal. Although aimed at those in year 6 and below with their parents/carers, it is also open to families with children of all ages.
If you have any questions, please do get in contact
If you are 11-18, we have a different programme for you…